
Flourishing in Him.
When we turn to Jesus, He offers us a peace the world cannot give.
A photo from Flourishing of Christ
Are you looking for a faith-based blog full of posts of encouragement?

Welcome to Flourishing for Christ, and thank you for visiting me here. I’m Tina, a devout Christian who felt a calling to start this blog. I felt Christ’s presence asking me to encourage others online through blogging. I was honored and couldn’t wait to get started. 

Collaborating with women to empower, encourage and equip them in everyday life with the mighty Word of God.

What began as some encouraging posts on Instagram has blossomed into this blog.

I have plans to work on a devotional series in the near future as well. At Flourishing for Christ, I encourage others to follow Christ. I also provide candid life advice and interpret the Bible for our lives today. My goal is to provide you with inspiration, motivation, and courage.

Life can feel daunting when you don't have the power of Christ on your side.

 I’m here to remind you of Christ’s love and support for you. I’ll help you get back in touch with hearing God’s voice inside. If you feel like you’re without guidance in your life, please get in touch with me. I’ll help you find Christ in your life. That’s an overview of what Flourishing for Christ is all about.

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Are you looking for a faith-based blog for encouragement?