Valued Beyond Measure

Luke 12:24 NIV

Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!

While sitting outside, enjoying a cool fall afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice several chickadees swooping down to our small bird feeder. After nibbling on several pieces of bird seed, they flew to the bird bath to enjoy some fresh water. And just like that; off they flew; onto their next adventure. This bird sighting led me to examine a piece of scripture found in the gospel of Luke.

Let’s refer back to the ravens in the above scripture. Verse 12:24 in Luke states that the ravens do not “sow” or “reap.” This means that they were dependent on God for all of their needs. The idea of fully trusting God to take care of every need of mine is often easier said than done. How many times have I tried to figure my life out on my own terms rather than trust God?

Personally, my heart was initially shattered and I doubted God when I realized that I needed to file for divorce this year. However, God does not want His children in toxic and unhealthy marriages. By trusting in God, and ending my marriage, God has led me out of my “Egypt,” and I’m walking into the freedom He has for me. It is incredible to think and understand how The Father already walked ahead and determined every detail of this situation.

More Valuable Than a Flock of Sparrows

Perhaps you have also questioned whether or not God has your back? Our Heavenly Father desires to have a relationship with us and to fully trust in Him to provide all of our needs. We can confidently depend on God to take care of our everyday essentials, no matter the size. Contrary to what the world says, happiness and joy cannot be found in material things or people. We can find infinite joy in Jesus. When we take our eyes off of Him, we forget who the true source of our joy and hope is. 

You are valued beyond measure. God loves you infinitely and He created you, the unique individual that you are, for His purpose. He cares about all the aspects of our lives. Matthew 10:21 tells us, “So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” (NLT) 

You do not have to determine how to resolve every conflict in your life by yourself. If I had decided to not let Jesus handle the outcome of my marriage, I would still be stuck in an environment where I was not thriving. Today I want to encourage you to turn to Jesus with your troubles. He attentively keeps track of what concerns you. Allow Him to fully step into your life. He is simply waiting for our “Yes.”


Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a humble heart seeking Your truth about who I am to You. Allow me to completely see my infinite value and worth. Open my eyes to see that I am valued beyond measure. May I learn to trust You in all things and fully embrace Your unconditional, never-ending love. In Jesus’s name, I pray, Amen.

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