Search for the Light of Jesus

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 NIV

Have you ever attempted to drive through the dense, heavy fog? Perhaps you have driven through fog thick as pea soup. How did you manage to drive safely through to your desired location? You turned on your vehicle’s headlights, then slowly and carefully navigated the way to your destination. Perhaps, you even pulled over alongside the road and waited for the fog to slowly disappear. Or if you had the opportunity to move to the passenger seat, you gladly let someone else take the wheel.

For me, 2022 has felt like a season of thick, dense, concentrated fog. There’s been major life challenges, daunting tasks, and severe personal losses that have left my soul in a cloud of extreme darkness at times. There have been days when I could barely get out of bed to face the daily tasks in front of me. Yet, I am still here. Still walking forward, one small step at a time. Little by little, moment by moment. I press on and continue to search for the light of Jesus.

First, Jesus’s light has been shining through my community of godly women that I do life with through an online bible study. They have walked alongside me, prayed with and for me, and guided me to the Word. Without them, I would be still hiding under the covers of my duvet. If you are in a season of darkness, who can you turn to that will offer an ear to listen, a hand to hold, and speak encouraging words of life over you?

Secondly, music has been a source of great comfort in my times of sadness and hopelessness. I primarily listen to praise and worship music but I have also found inspiration in classic upbeat pop songs. Praising, singing, and declaring life over the darkness has turned my mourning into dancing. Is there a certain artist or song that you enjoy and will uplift your spirits? If so, put that song on repeat!

Finally, immersing yourself in the Word of God is the most substantial way you can fight the darkness. Stand on the truth of the Bible, and declare it over your life. When we open our eyes to God’s Word, His light will penetrate the darkness in our life. (Posley, Evie. May 2022. How to Find Joy in the Night: The Word That Lights Any Darkness )

When we continue to search for the light no matter how difficult life gets, the fog of darkness will begin to lift and Jesus will allow us to grow from this season. What are some godly resources that you have used when walking in a season of darkness?

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