Harvest Your Faith by Journaling

Giving Thanks Day 2: Write The Word Journal

“Write the Word” & “Little by Little” Journals from Cultivate What Matters

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:105‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I’m so thankful to have discovered the Write the Word Journals from Cultivate What Matters. I began writing a verse a day starting at the end of February and it has transformed my closeness to the Lord. This habit of writing out scripture has also been a huge catalyst in following my call to write. Thank you to Lara Casey for creating such a life-giving product!

I initally began journaling a few years ago when my heart was unsettled and I needed a way to process my thoughts and be able to conistently communicate with God. If you have not started a prayer journal, below you will find some tips as to how to get started.

Using a Prayer Journal

To begin, grab an empty notebook. You do not need the Write the Word Journal to get started. All you need is paper and something to write with! Second, find a verse. Look for a verse from the Bible and write it out. This verse could be the verse of the day from the YouVersion Bible https://www.youversion.com/ or one that is on your heart. For example, when I journal, I look up verses based on a key word. For example, when I ask the Lord for guidance, I search for the key word “guide” in Bible verses.

Third, state a simple prayer as you begin this activity. Your prayer doesn’t need to be full of fancy words nor long. You can simply pray for the Lord to guide you as you write. Fourth, begin and write what flows from your heart. There is no ‘right way’ to journal. Journaling is one way we can draw closer to Him and watch our faith harvest though this consistent process.

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