The Truth I’m Standing On

Praying Scripture Over Your Life

The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
Psalms 145:18

Here on the edge of fall apart
Somehow Your promises
Find my troubled heart

This is the truth I’m standing on
Even when all my strength is gone
You are faithful forever
And I know You’ll never
Let me fall

Right now, I’m choosing to believe
Someday soon, I’ll look back and see
All the pain had a purpose
Your plan was perfect all along
This is the truth I’m standing on

Leanna Crawford Truth I’m Standing On Lyrics

When one experiences grief, it often can feel like you are in a whirlwind of emotions. You can experience one feeling after the next, or have multiple feelings emerge simultaneously. In addition, many physical symptoms can occur while walking through a season of grief. How do you then, continue to walk through the pain, hurt, and heartbreak that is a part of the grieving process? You stand on the Word of God and let the Scriptures guide you.

On a dark, dreary, cold, and snowy January evening, life as I once knew it came crashing down. With snowflakes falling all around, I stood outside, sobbing, shouting, and unable to breathe. My marriage was over after several failed attempts to repair and restore our relationship. I could no longer deny the fact that what was broken could not be salvaged. On this night, I made the decision to finally let go. The intense grief came almost instantly. My teenage daughter was by my side during this experience. We sat and cried together, holding each other tight, and allowed ourselves to feel the sadness, anger, and hurt.

Stand Firm on The Word

Over the next several weeks, I continued to navigate through my daily life while living and experiencing grief. Broken dreams, promises, and a shattered heart left me in a fog of emotions. It was important to feel what I was feeling, but I could not reside permanently in the hurt. However, with the help of my life coach, family, and friends, I began to emerge from the fog. Little by little, day by day, I started to feel a little bit stronger. The key to moving forward was standing firm on the Word of God.

For this season I am in, there are several verses that have been laid on my heart. I have these verses written out on note cards that I can take with me anywhere. One verse that speaks to how compassionate our God is during times of grief is Psalms 147:3. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (NIV) In addition, Isaiah 40:31 highlights how we gain strength by trusting in the Lord. “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (NLT)

By praying, meditating, and declaring the above verses over my life, I am turning slowly turning the page on this season of grief. I am feeling hopeful once again. I have recommitted my life to the Lord, and know that He will continue to be by my side. Thanks to the Lord for His truth to stand on!

2 thoughts on “The Truth I’m Standing On”

  1. Oh, how I relate to every word. God will see you through. His love surrounds us and He will provide the strength we need. My favorite song during this period of my life was Just be Held by Casting Crowns. Praying for your family.

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