A photo of a bible and flowers

How I Met Jesus

As a young girl, I attended church regularly with my grandparents. My grandpa was a pastor at a small lutheran church on the north shore of Lake Superior. The seed of faith had been planted at an early age. This seed however did not begin to grow until my early 30’s. 

In early 2011, my soon to be sister in love, Liz, invited me to attend a weekly church service with her. When the worship music began, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me through the lyrics, “I’ll be by your side.” At that moment, I knew I had found what was missing in my life. I met Jesus. 

It was at that service that I prayed a prayer of surrender and gave my life to the Lord. I put all of my trust and hope in Him starting at that exact moment. 

As a new member of the faith, I then began to seek out others to guide me as I continued to grow in following Jesus. Along with attending services weekly,  I discovered a weekly small group, along with serving (volunteering) in the church. 

Before I came to know Jesus as my Savior, I was a broken, lonely, and lost woman. Instead of turning to Jesus to fulfill my life, I turned to alcohol, and unhealthy relationships while bottling and numbing all of my feelings.

By allowing Jesus to take the wheel and lead me onto the path the God destined for me, I have been blessed with more than I could have asked for or imagined.

While I am not perfect, my help comes from the One who is! “I am the daughter of a king who is not moved by the world. For my God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear, for I am His.” Proverbs 31