Fight the Good Fight

2 Timothy 4:7 NIV

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Grandparents are such an incredible blessing to have in our lives. They provide an abundance of unconditional love, support, and wisdom. I was truly blessed to have a grandpa like my grandpa Jerry. He was a godly man, who, like the apostle Paul, fought the good fight, and kept his faith at the center of his life. On July 22, 2022, my grandpa entered the gates of heaven after 89 years here on earth. As a writer, the most important piece I have written thus far, was a eulogy, that I presented at his memorial service. Below are a few excerpts that illustrate my grandpa’s character.

  • Grandpa, Gramps, Poppa, Papa Jerry, Bumpa. Our grandpa Jerry had many nicknames, but the deep love he had for his family remained constant.
  • From checking in with a phone call to each of us on a regular basis for a life update to encouraging us to take a leap of faith and follow God’s plan for our lives, Grandpa was there to provide words of wisdom, an ear to listen and his love along with the love of Jesus to hold onto.
  • Weekends away with Grandpa when the grandkids were younger string together the kind of man Grandpa was. Gramps was indeed one-of-a-kind. He was selfless, considerate, gentle, intelligent, and respected.
  • During my last visit with Grandpa two days before he passed, his thoughtful nature shined as bright as ever. He asked me how my life was, and congratulated my daughter, his great-granddaughter, Olivia, on her first job. Up until his last moments here with us, Grandpa put our needs ahead of his own.

The following quote from Richard Garnett highlights how a grandparent’s greatest gift is love. “Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another.” Not only did my grandpa love me and our family deeply, but he taught us about the eternal love of Jesus. For that, I am forever grateful. Now, while I miss him immensely, I have a tangible peace knowing he is with Jesus.

Until I see you again, Gramps. I love you.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Rebecca Allen

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